The legacy of a leader in the Dallas GLBTQ community for almost four decades. The Trust supports non-profit, community-based organizations in Dallas County, Texas.
ANTHONY BOBROW TRUST DONATIONS NEAR $1.9Million Donations from the Anthony Bobrow Trust are nearing $1.9Million since its first donations in 2018, according to Harvey Meissner, President and General Manager of The Hidden Door, and Co-Trustee.
“We delivered checks for $75,000 each to AIN, Legacy Cares and Taste of Hope. Smaller donations were made earlier, and over $100,000 more is pledged for the rest of the year.” “We begin each year with a budget, but every year needs arise that we believe are critical. During the worst of the Covid years we increased spending to help. “
Tony Bobrow left his entire Estate to make life better for the people he cared about. The non-profits we support are ‘boots on the ground’, making a difference in lives every day. Our contributions are unrestricted and can be used for what the organizations see as their priorities.”
“In 2018 we had no idea numbers like this were achievable. Although Tony left his Trust well-funded, it’s the Hidden Door customers who make much of this possible. To them goes the credit and thanks for helping continue these donations.”
“We’re not a non-profit and don’t file public returns with the IRS. The State of Texas says Trust management usually costs from 1-1.5% of total assets annually. Ours are a very tiny fraction of 1 percent.” The Anthony Bobrow Trust is supported in part by The Hidden Door, Dallas, celebrating its 43rd anniversary this December. Its net profits are pledged to the Bobrow Trust. “